Die Hochstapler

Genre: Documentary film / Trailer
Année: 2005/2006
Durée: 02:08 min
Description: This documentary film is the portrait of four men who all made their money by lying and cheating, obtained their clients′ confidence by fraud, or by imposture. One of the four men "befriended" the father of a family and ruined him by and by. Another one travelled Germany on bad checks. The third one successfully passed himself of as a NATO major or diplomat and even organised a NATO security conference. The fourth one, eventually, sold shares of a fortune that he did not possess – and with his boldness and his great skills moved up to the high society of Hamburg.
Fournisseur: DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum
Droits: In Copyright / Majestic Filmverleih GmbH (Berlin)
Director: Alexander Adolph
Type de document:
Language: de